"The Pretty Little Liars "decrypt the latest poster for the fourth season three new watch

01/11/2014 04:30

Poster of three lines of small character reveals the four girls all their faces in the first four seasons of the three tests: new truth, a new enemy, the New Year. And the audience as the mysterious person "A", Ezra fitts in the fourth quarter, and how will carry on throughout Alison mystery, is everyone's concern.

After the release of the new posters, who plays Hanna, the 23 year old Ashley Benson published their views on the social networking site Instagram, bluntly criticized production of picture over PS. She wrote: "I hope not this poster. Our faces and four years ago as like as two peas, look ridiculous, PS overslept. We all have shortcomings, nobody and painting as perfect, too fake but less charm."

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 DVD of 24 sets, 13 sets in October 2013 after a break from the screen, Second Half will be next year on January 7 evening 8:00 premiered on ABC Family station. First half of the season when four young girls escape from the fire finally see the "red man" true capacity, she turned out to be the death of Alison. Mona also confessed that he does not know "A" true identity, aware of the dangerous situation, she decided to fight against the mysterious and girls who "A".